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Big Sky Bravery team on mountain with American flag
Our programs have been tested on the most dedicated professionals and now we are seeing MTNTOUGH'ers across the globe break through previously held human performance barriers. More importantly the MTNTOUGH community is stronger than ever. But we can do more. We can make a bigger difference. That said, we have made a commitment to our friends at Big Sky Bravery for the month of November.
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Mountain athlete training in gym
This week MTNTOUGH COO Ara Megerdichian brought a unique workout to The Lab in Bozeman. The workout was designed so that the participants never knew when they were finished.  There were 3 false finish lines in the workout, and each false finish line broke down the participants mentally, by design.  Every time they got a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel they would red line, push hard, then their emotions were devastated when they realized the workout wasn't complete and more work was ahead of them.
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Fitness trainer in gym with mountain athletes
"When I first came out of the military, this was something that I really had to work my way through. It doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but for me, it rocked my world. For over 20 years, I was focused on this. I had a mission in life. I had a purpose. I was defined by what I did and the badges I wore, the uniform I wore, and the service to my nation and to my soldiers and to my chain of command. So I was defined by this.
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Mountain hunters
A lot of folks want to make a difference, but we don't think we can make a difference. So that's false. Every one of us has the opportunity to make a difference, although we may not realize how. So I want you to think about things. The Warrior Mindset leads to excellence, excellence in everything you do.
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