Stay On Track This Summer With This MTNTOUGH Challenge
"My favorite part is the focus on Mental Toughness, it is so important to have the mental component when it comes to getting your life right and getting in shape."
Sometimes the right nudge from the right person at the right time can change your destiny. Regardless of your age, regardless of your circumstances, this is a nudge from me, a nudge from the MTNTOUGH team to start today. That is because we know the MTNTOUGH programs and the MTNTOUGH community will enable you to become the best version of yourself.
Listen, more people are counting on us than we realize, be it our spouse, kids, friends, and/or coworkers, we never know who is watching us. They need our leadership and our influence. It is time to own your life and if you have fallen behind, stuck in a rut or have gotten out of shape, the best place to start is with the 30-30 2.0 Challenge!
Listen, more people are counting on us than we realize, be it our spouse, kids, friends, and/or coworkers, we never know who is watching us. They need our leadership and our influence. It is time to own your life and if you have fallen behind, stuck in a rut or have gotten out of shape, the best place to start is with the 30-30 2.0 Challenge!
(25% Off Expires July 16th, 2021)

The 30-30 2.0 MTNTOUGH Challenge
We know implementing healthy daily habits is a sure way to set yourself up for success. It works, it is all about making fitness & mental toughness a lifestyle not a chore, and that takes around 30 days. 30 days to make MTNTOUGH a lifestyle. The challenge can be broken down into 3 easy steps:

1. Get Moving
The challenge is simple. Complete all 30-30 2.0 workouts in order and don't miss a single workout. It is only 30 workouts, 6 weeks of Monday-Friday Training, with weekends off for recovery.
We know it is summer and summer brings travel & vacation. We want you to enjoy summer but we also know you need to stress your body & mind and train everyday. That is why we created the 30-30 2.0, our go-to program that can be done anywhere, quickly - no gym required.

2. Plan Then Execute
Look, the challenge is simple, 30 MTNTOUGH no gear workouts in sequential order, 30 minutes each, anytime, anywhere. But this challenge is going to take some planning and we all know the famous saying "Piss Poor Planning Leads To Piss Poor Performance."
Plan your workouts around travel, plan your workouts around summer bbq's, get up early or stay up late. Schedule every single day. Every workout should be scheduled and that time needs to be blocked off in order to stay consistent and succeed.

3. Be Accountable
The MTNTOUGH community is strong, with over 10,000 MTNTOUGH athletes, several thousand MTNTOUGH'ers will be going through this challenge together this July. Accountability is Power. Accountability is one of our strongest allies when facing adversity and turning our ceilings into floors. When you start the MTNTOUGH 30-30 2.0 challenge ask someone closest to you to hold you accountable and then leverage the MTNTOUGH community in the app to keep you accountable. Share your progress, results, failures and success with the MTNTOUGH community. Record every single day in The Lab our online community that can be accessed anytime, anywhere on any device. Lastly, hold yourself accountable internally, take this challenge seriously and make a full commitment to it.
(25% Off Expires July 16th, 2021)
MTNTOUGH believes that mental toughness is just as important as physical strength and that the strongest muscle in the human body is the one between your ears. With a coaching staff comprised of former Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and renowned physical trainers—the workouts aren’t easy. The goal is to prepare clients for both the unthinkable and the everyday—to have the mental capacity and physical stamina to self-rescue in an emergency, or grind through a 12-hour workday and still play with the kids after dinner. Ara Megerdichian, MTNTOUGH coach and former U.S. Army officer and Ranger, believes the best way to harden the mind is by reaching and exceeding physical boundaries, by taking challenges once considered impossible and making them attainable and repeatable.
MTNTOUGH believes that mental toughness is just as important as physical strength and that the strongest muscle in the human body is the one between your ears. With a coaching staff comprised of former Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and renowned physical trainers—the workouts aren’t easy. The goal is to prepare clients for both the unthinkable and the everyday—to have the mental capacity and physical stamina to self-rescue in an emergency, or grind through a 12-hour workday and still play with the kids after dinner. Ara Megerdichian, MTNTOUGH coach and former U.S. Army officer and Ranger, believes the best way to harden the mind is by reaching and exceeding physical boundaries, by taking challenges once considered impossible and making them attainable and repeatable.